Who we were

who we are

Forsaken Ladies MC, formally knows as Fatal Attraction MC, was established in 2011 and cofounded by Lux, Jess, and Jazzy-Ma. Fatal Attraction MC & Forsaken MC (Yonkers) grew very close and supported each other heavily. 

In 2017 Frenchy and Jrich approached the ladies with a proposal of expanding Forsaken MC by adding a female chapter in Massachusetts. The ladies agreed to the proposal and worked on the logo and name.

In 2018 Forsaken Ladies-Fatal Attraction MC was announced and then then later, the Fatal Attraction part of the name was dropped.

The original members of Forsaken Ladies MC in 2018 included Lux, Jess, Jazzy-Ma, Lil Bit, Rizzy, and Tik Tok.

Today, Forsaken Ladies is trademarked and filed as a nonprofit organization looking to make an impact within the communities we ride. We stand strong with eight active members , Lux (President), Tik Tok (VP), Jazzy Ma (Treasurer), KD (Secretary), Got It (Sergeant at Arms), Jess (Road Captain), Lil Bit, and Prosecco.


we are forsaken ladies mc boston.